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Taking for Ride....

Chennai and Auto rides never go well together.The sight of Auto in the city has become a nightmare for many of us. Everyone in the city would definitely have had an argument with auto drivers in the city towards the fare that needs to be agreed for the destination. The fares are always not in relation to the distance, but based on the person. If you are an office goer or old the fare is always higher. No consistency exist in the fares demanded by the Auto drivers and auto meters are a big taboo to the drivers It has been more than a decade since the meters functioned in the city autos and it is always going by the best judgement which the driver makes about the fare. The scene before this scenario was slightly better where the meters were functioning , but were rigged in most of the autos. The heart beat of the passenger would increase every time he boards the auto with a rigged meter which had been clearly manipulated to show exorbitant fare. This "Soodu" meter as it

Power Cut...

It was a Sunday morning. Compared to other days got up slightly late and was starting the day. All was well till 11 AM when the television suddenly went blank. One of my favourite programs was getting aired and I hoped the televison will get back to life soon. Minutes moved on, still no sight of power coming back and the wait continued. Slowly minutes ticked and it extended to afternoon. It was now 90 minutes without power and it became slightly irritating.Tried calling the Helpdesk of TNEB and an automated voice greeted me and asked me to choose few options to reach a support person.I explained to him the location (of my place) and he assured me that within 30 minutes the power would be restored. To kill time thought of reading some thing from my small library and the collection I had gathered over the years.I took one of the book which I had  purchased few months back and thought of reading it. As I buried myself into the book it got rather interesting and I forgot to watch

Tintin in 3D

Here I am back with another Review.....This time its on the Steven Spielberg film "The Adventures of Tintin -The Secret of the Unicorn" in 3D. So whats so special here.Well lot many things are special here. Personally Tintin has been one my childhood heroes and it brought in those nostalgic memories in me , where as a school kid I had exchanged books with friends (costly in those days Rs 80 I believe) to read all the stories of this adventure series created by Herge. I had almost read all is what I think. Secondly this probably one of the films which had used motion capture where the real human movements have been imposed on animated objects and the characters really reminded me of those caricatures that I had seen as a kid.The resemblance of all the characters were immaculate and astonishing.  Third no doubt its for the creator - Spielberg and that too in 3D. Having said the reasons which drove me to the theater, the experience in the theater was no less fascinating.


As a continuation of my previous post just want to share the feedback on the Deepavali Release movies 7am Arivu : This was a much expected release for the year and whether it stood out towards the expectation is an important question.The film has few good portions and is quite patchy.The opening was great but it followed the famous Vadivelu dialogue "Opening ellam nalla than iruku...Finishing seriilayapa". The logic and screenplay had lot of gaps..Heroine struggled to deliver tamil naturally in a film which talks about tamil lineage.Quite conflicting.Music looked average. Only saving grace was Suriya. He does his best, but somehow the movie huffs and puffs to close.Perhaps the crew realized this and hence they tried to catch all available slots in all available channels to promote the movie. One more fact which I noticed, is on Suriya...In some shots he looks OLD.Age is catching up Suriya...better avoid closeups. Velayutham: This will be a great treat for hardcore

Cinema the new way...

I just saw the new films that were released for Deepavali one after the other. You might be tempted to ask whats  new in that....Read on. This was right from my home just few hours after the films were released. It was not through  pirated CD but right on my laptop, LIVE streaming video. Earlier during onsite days this was just the way we in our room used to see films.Now that we are able to do it in our own Chennai, shows that technology had penetrated deep and now we can say that we are nearly in the same league at least in the broadband area.To cap it all, I did not even see the "Buffering" message once in the entire 2 hrs 20 mins of live streaming video. Now the obvious question is on the quality...Well it was not great, but not was pretty much TV quality and was decent. So What did I see...the much acclaimed 7am arivu, Velayutham and Ra-one....Reviews from my end to follow in the next blog...

2011 Begins

I just decided to write something today and when I was about begin , just thought of checking the time stamp of my last blog...Blistering was nearly an year ago. So grand beginning for 2011 in November...!!