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Cricket and Me - Part 3

Please read the two post below as this is the continuation of the same.

Mathew Hayden with the little mongoose bat and Murali Vijay entered the scene. A huge roar welcomed them. We had Yousuf Pathan starting the proceedings.CSK batted well and Murali Vijay was hitting boundaries at will. Hayden though choose to play the second fiddle. The real time action was awesome and contrary to my belief that nothing would be visible I could clearly see the people on the field and identify them without the help of the big screen.

It was raining Sixes and fours from the start and it continue .Hayden was the first to go and I saw a dismissal Live as it happened near to the place I was seated. good catch though. Suresh Raina joined the party and also helped the score move along. As the lights started fading up came the Flood lights.There was one directly opposite to me as well. 

The introvert in me died in the atmosphere of celebration and I also joined the crowd screaming and showing the four/six posters that was given. Whistles filled the air as it was run rampage by the CSK. Even the fastest bowler Shaun Tait was not sparred and the ball landed on the spectators in the same pace at which it came.

Now coming to the crowd. There were a group of guys from the same company for which I work. They were in an upbeat mood and were dancing standing on the chairs. Late comers were trying to find some good seats and were on a frantic search. One guy with his kid came and asked me about the seat I was holding one for my friend. I found it difficult to decline and he thanked me as it offered a very good view of the game. 3 cute girls in modern attire(In fact several girls , I never expected so many young girls and who said Chennai is conservative. If you say so please change your views. I found most of them had designed their outfit based on Hollywood ladies  :). Hope you get my point.) were trying for a seat and I just looked at the guy who just took the seats near to me.  It was all about timing here. Also there was one Son -Father duo seated behind me and  I found the knowledge of the father on the game meager with the son explaining the happenings to him.

Soon hunger and thirst started because of the shouting and dancing and I was on the look out for some refreshments.With the seat being a precious one to guard, I decided to continue on for a while. Soon I had to go for it and then asked my just introduced friend nearby to take care of my seat while I went for some refreshments. As expected everything was overly priced above the m.r.p. I managed to grab a drink and snacks paying several times more than what was written on their labels. On return I found my seat was safely guarded by my new friend and thanked him for it.

Match went on and the projections showed that CSK was heading for a Record total in IPL. Soon we saw drummer Shivamani coming close to us and was dancing along with the Cher girls on stage leaving the drums to his assistant. Every time a fielder , be it Murali or Tyagi or Raina were near the ropes, the crowd waved at them and they too returned it . At this point Murali Vijay scored his maiden IPL ton and the crowd went ecstatic. During the end of the innings there were flurry of wickets and Dhoni after few lusty blows with the bat too perished. The Royals were in for a record Chase.

During the break I just met my Office friend who had come late and he had occupied some seat elsewhere. He had waited in the serpentine queue which I had managed to give a slip and was really looking famished because of the hot sun and exposure to its rays.

Royals batted well and in several comparisons scored more than what CSK had in a similar time frame. But the 17th over, if I am right, was the turning point were Suresh Raina bowled and did not concede much. From then on (including the early dismissal of Yousuf with a good catch by bollinger) it was CSK clawing back its way into the match. Bollinger who surprisingly enjoyed the support of the crowd, which was chanting" Bollinger...Bollinger" when he came back to bowl, did not disappoint and managed to knock down the stumps of Shane watson which nearly assured a win to CSK. After that it was a clear Win for CSK by 21 runs and MoM..Murali Vijay.

Truly it was a memorable experience for me back home and I took the Poster and the cap got at the Venue as a memorabilia for having witnessed this great match. Also some snaps are available here from the match and more images are available in my facebook account.  Please leave your feedback as well.


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