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Australia - Racist ?

Now Australia is in the News for all wrong Reasons. Guess what ! the most peaceful country in the world has now been branded as a Racist Country by the Asians living over there. But something tells me from the various inputs received ,Australia is not all to blame for.

Australia has education as the third biggest source of income and is really building its base on the foreign students who fly down from across the world mainly from Asia. Having said that can they really afford to be Racist is the question that comes to mind.

Australians are no doubt a mixed group of people with various levels of education and majority of them are really assertive (unlike Indians) no matter what their level of education is. This being the case how do our Desi guys conduct themselves in a foreign land is also a thing to ponder.

For instance, Desi's form large groups on streets and keep talking loudly ,blocking the path and Australians find this really awkward and unlike Indians being assertive they come and tell the group to move out of the way. If the group replies with an air of arrogance or says something conveying "mind your business" then the Problem erupts there..!!! Certainly this is not Racist and there have been several incidents of this type. At the same time I also feel that Australians also have a nature to look down upon the dark skinned and pass unwarranted comment to provoke them. So my judgement is wrong acts do exists on both sides and hence a change in mindset is all we need to solve problems of this kind from emanating in the future.


Anonymous said…
That is some hypothesis you have built up, true we cant brand a nation racist due to some stray attacks but considering the diversity of the population and the economy in dire straits there was always enough wood to fuel this...whats with using "their" for there?..twice

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