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A small Story..but very true

May be you would have known about this but still thought of writing it for the benefit of those who do not know.

"Long ago there was a King who was powerful and rulling over a great empire. Everything was flourishing(So no job for him and had ample time) in his kingdom. During one of his court meeting he had put across one question to his minister. He said he wanted them to find a saying which would make a sad man happy and a happy man sad(Female reader change  Man --> women  33%). Hegave them a months time to coin the statement and have it inscribed on something which would be there for ever. None of the ministers could thing about it. There was the head of the ministers who decided to meet his Swmaiji(this is real swami who practices Sanyasa in true sense in those days)for the answer.

He travelled into the forest to meet this sage and put forward the question asked by the King. The Swami on hearing this gave him a smile and wrote and gave hime the golden phrases which he was looking for. He told the minister to have this inscribed on a golden ring and present it to the King. The minister who was worried on meeting with failure saw those line and immediately his Face lit up. Exactly this is what the King ordered...

Next day the court meeting started and the king asked his ministers with a sense of arrogance and sarcasm if any body was succesful. On seeing silence he start to grin and was saying that people here have put their brains to rest and was laughing on the joke he had just cracked.

Now entered our minister and opened the jewel case and presented to him the Ring with the golden verse on it. The King saw that and immediately his smile stopped. He looked at the minister and praised his efforts for finding the same and also rewarded him. So what was that ?? "This will also Pass" (Eduvum Kadanthu Poogum). Personaly I have found this motivating line very true and his has helped me very much during testing times.  Though simple...very powerful.


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