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Period Films and Me

Though there were lot of compliments to the Film  "Jodaa Akbar" one of the Asutosh Gauriker's film  the fact that it was a period film kept me away from this for some time. Even though I had a moderate liking for History and the Mughal dynasty which ruled India for long, a Hindi film set at this outset was not on my list.

Having seen the other two Asutosh Gowrikar's films namely "Swades" and "Lagaan" and being a favourite of really well made films,I was still not sure whether I should see this Classic on little known Jodaa, a Rajput Prince until my friend said it was really good and even went to the extent of saying its a "not be missed" category.

I started my hunt for the DVD of this Film and met with failures in my first few tries. Luckily I got hold of a copy in the next few weeks and started to watch the film with very less expectation and also with a neutral mindset.

On completion here I am writing this blog. In all it was a well made Film by the director trying to capture the feel and culture of the Mughals and the Rajput tradition of the 16th Century. the effort gone behind in making it cannot be missed, be it the costumes , jewellery or the sets in which they were shot. Its really awesome to see the battles of the past being recreated in your room with added effect by the 5.1 digital Dolby experience. The cast of Hrithik roshan as Mohamud jalaudin Akbar, the "Sehansa of the Mugals" and Aiswarya Rai Bachan as Jodaa, the bold and Beautiful rajput princess was really a fitting selection to the historical characters.

This almost unknown love story of the Muslim emperor and the Hindu Princess was told as neatly as possible with music score by our own "Oscar Nayagan" or "Madras Mossat"  (Again pride comes only from Western connection :) ) A. R Rahman

However I would have expected much more narration into their lives and their relationship though it was shown in a high level not venturing into the intricacies of their relationship. So finally my Verdict would be -  a film not to be missed.


VK said…
Sorry mate, I am not much of a Hindi movie buff, so cannot comment much on the movie. But I see the movie made some impression on you. Maybe I should try to watch the movie too. Will let you know if and when I see it.

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