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Medical profession -Still a Service ?

As I sit down to write this blog after a month when my father was critically ill and was hospitalised, I still could not hide behind the kind of commercialism that had come into the medical field.

Also the doctors whom I met no longer do this as a service but as a means to their end and also to the extent of accumulating and reserving for their heirs. 

There was one old doctor I had to encounter whom I met on a night in the wake of emergency due to my fathers health condition who after treating him as slowly as possible(I was really frustrated with the slowness he exhibited in dealing a emergency case) was grossly engrossed in counting the cash collected for the day after instructing his nurse.  Also when asked again and again on the health condition replied that he can be admitted if I want to do so.(He left it to my discretion !!!)

Again the next morning as there was no signs of improvement I had him admitted.  Later during the day when this doctor came for his rounds when asked on some medical condition details he started shouting at me for asking him questions on my dad's health."ARROGANCE OF BEING A DOCTOR".  They had all the tests done in their very own hospital and the charges were on par with the best in class hospitals in the city though the hospital was not equipped in commensurate with the charges levied.

Then came the incident which shook me to the core...

Midnight at around 3 AM  the condition of my dad suddenly detiorated and the doctor tried his best to bring him to consciousness and sooner he brought him to consciousness he was quick to react. "Take him to a better hospital".  At around 3 30 AM they had us pushed into an auto( not an ambulance and in that cold conditions) stating he needs to be shifted immediately.

we went to a well known hospital in the city and the treatment started AGAIN.  There came another jolt.   As per their RULES, all tests taken outside their hospital are not considered...!!!!

So go and take all the plethora of test again in our own hospital...I could not help and all possible tests were taken. However they treated him and discharged him after 3 days.

Now seeing this incident, about the old doctor and the so called rules in the bigger hospitals has our medical field  devoid of any service mentality...???

Coming back on that old doctor, who had built that hospital under his own name , also has his son taking charge of the hospital.(who is also a doctor), got two expensive cars for them and just wants the patients to obey what he says.  How can these guys still think that doctors cannot be countered against in this age of Right to information. To top it all this guy keeps repeating that "I do not do it commercially". Good one right ?

Based on the these few(I hope its only few) the common man who are at the mercy of these medical buffs who exploit the conditions and fail to do justice to the service part of their profession.


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