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Swine flu Scare

Swine flu..the latest in the headline these days....not sure how it all originated but it seems to create havoc and take lives of those infected in a matter of few days. Everybody is really scared and the worst part is, children are the most easy targets. Parents have to be really on their toes to keep their wards away from this. I also got few masks.but little hesitant to use it....Not sure when the medical world finds a cure for this deadly virus...hope it is sooner.

Cool Gadget

As I was going through the pages of Ebay , which I do more often these days I happen to see an MP4 player with lots of feature loaded and with a touch screen interface which mimics the iPod. Being a gadget freak( I think I can call myself that way) I thought a lot about it and was interested in buying it. It really had a host of features which included music player, Mp4 video player, Radio, camera, ebook reader, picture viewer, voice recorder/player, lot of small apps...hmmm was really attractive. Only think was, that it was not a branded one...ofcourse if its branded it would have been priced very heavily. I logged out with an indecisive mind...... Day 2... Again same idea...same website..this time tried to connect with the buyer to know more about it...He told only the positives as expected. Went to other sites to read the reviews. Compared the same with a Branded product. I received a huge was priced 6 times higher that my target price...Again logged off. Day 3... PRESSED

Job Satisfaction

The title above i.e Job satisfaction is a every important aspect in one's life. Job satisfaction can be on a higher side based on the closeness of your passion and the day to day job we do. It is no way related to the Earnings you get. You may get a heavy purse but if your mind does not get involved then Job satisfaction can be something you will never experience. Many of us do the day to day job just for the sake of doing it and not with Passion. I hope this statement in true for most of us. If you dispute this and really mean it , then my congratulations to you for getting a job in line with your Passion. There is also another side to this. but that really requires a great mind. It is developing passion in the job you are given. This is the most practical way to attain Job satisfaction. but as conveyed before, its a difficult to achieve and if you belong to this clan, again my kudos to you. I can hear you asking me where do I belong....? Like many of us, I am also in search of th

Airtel Super singer 2008

Airtel super singer 2008, now has become a part of our 9 PM Tv schedule these days. This year long event now has reached its Climax. But somehow the interest level is not the same. Most of you might agree that this has been dragged for more than two months. We are almost half way through 2009 and still viewing super singer 2008....I hear ed there is a junior singer 2009 also starting. Hope this at least will stop by 2009..?? No doubt that Airtel super singer has brought good talents to the foreground but there are too many recall rounds and the same set which had got eliminated again comes back and then gets eliminated again...I really don't understand that if the Idea is to extend the show , then whats the need for this elimination. I remember a poor contestant who lost patience and said that he is withdrawing because of shortage of attendance in college on account of attending this Super singer show.....this is sheer non sense from the organisers. Then came the finals a f

Australia - Racist ?

Now Australia is in the News for all wrong Reasons. Guess what ! the most peaceful country in the world has now been branded as a Racist Country by the Asians living over there. But something tells me from the various inputs received ,Australia is not all to blame for. Australia has education as the third biggest source of income and is really building its base on the foreign students who fly down from across the world mainly from Asia . Having said that can they really afford to be Racist is the question that comes to mind. Australians are no doubt a mixed group of people with various levels of education and majority of them are really assertive (unlike Indians ) no matter what their level of education is. This being the case how do our Desi guys conduct themselves in a foreign land is also a thing to ponder. For instance, Desi's form large groups on streets and keep talking loudly ,blocking the path and Australians find this really awkward and unlike Indians being assertive t

IPL 2009 - The Money Mint

IPL this three letter word has chang ed the fortunes of many cricketers and non cricketers. Why non cricketers ?.Its because of the involvement of the Bollywood and Corporates this time. The eight teams are owned by them and they run business with them. For more info visit IPL 2 has been made a great one especially for the man who was been behind this - Lalit modi . Its actually a great guts move to have the tournament shifted from India which is what the "I" in IPL stands for to South Africa. A move against the Politicians of India. The tournament was on the verge of being Cancelled due to the elections during the same time. But it was the business man in Modi and using his good offices made the move of shifting the tournament itself and thereby giving a nose cut to the politicians. That two in a very short span of time .Really great Ability. IPL has been more of a smash hit last year when it gained a huge fan following. It also brought to light

Singh is King

Singh is king...this is not about the Akshay starter movie, but about out very Dr. Manmohan Singh who has been given the mandate to rule the country for the second term. Manmohan singh was criticised as much as possible by the opposition as being weak or a puppet etc . etc. But the people have reestablished the trust on Manmohan Singh. Manmohan Singh may not be a great orator and cannot Woe people by taking, but ha has his own way of governing and it was spotted by none other than the late Rajiv gandhi who made him the Finance minister in 1990. Manmohan Singh opened india to the world and thus brought in the Globalisation which by far has more positives than negatives. Considering the Present scenarion when corruption and caste rule the political arena Manmohan Singh appears to be a man not associated with these. The BRAND Manmohan Singh is something which the comman man can associate with himself and has rightly done so. Never under estimate the man in Manmohan Sing